A Happy List

Saturday, I sent off my swap package courtesy of Dandelion Wishes (Mamarazzi). She also does a weekly happy list. So here’s mine!

1. Jules started dance classes on Saturday. She is so cute! And she is amazing for following directions so well as a three year old.
2. Jules also had her second piano lesson this week. This one was much more successful than the last. 🙂
3. My sister’s pregnancy is progressing! The cramping (contractions) and other physical signs of the end of pregnancy are manifesting… so we could meet Baby Ella any time!
4. Moved in (temporarily) with my sister over the weekend. Her husband is in Kuwait with the Navy. I’m cherishing this time that I get to spend with her. Jules is having a lot of fun as well. I feel very special to be able to be the one that spends this time there at the end of the pregnancy.
5. School is getting busy, but it’s very doable! 😀

I love my family!!!!!

3 responses to this post.

  1. yay for family and new babies!!


  2. Posted by Bethany on September 21, 2010 at 7:40 pm

    I’m so excited for you and your family to welcome its newest member! What a great way to focus on all of the positive things in life, instead of getting bogged down with everything else.


  3. awww new babies, suhweet!! thanks for linking up, next time don’t forget the adorable button…tee hee!


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